6 Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

6 Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient - Mr. DIY Guy

Conserving energy is better for the environment and saves you money. Homes that are energy efficient:

  • Conserve energy
  • Reduce unnecessary energy consumption
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduce demand for nonrenewable resources

Energy efficient homes provide significant financial energy savings to homeowners.


One of the most efficient ways to conserve energy is to improve the insulation in your home according to Repair Aid. During the cold winter months, heat could be escaping your home if your home is poorly insulated states Rinkesh at Conserve Energy Future.

The escaping heat will increase your heating bill and may affect the environment. Be sure you have proper insulation, weather stripping and ensure your attic is insulated as well from heat loss. You can make these repairs yourself or have a professional help you.

Replace Your Windows

Your windows can be a source of heat loss during the winter months. Some of the older type windows aren’t energy efficient. For example, windows with double panels and vinyl frames better protect you from energy loss compared to single pane windows and aluminum frames.

Tinting your windows can help lower air conditioning costs. The tint keeps the sun’s burning rays from entering your home through your windows. If you need help replacing your windows, call Repair Aid.

Set Your Water Heater to Warm Setting

This is another efficient way to reduce energy consumption and lower your heating bill. Set the temperature of your water heater to warm setting which is approximately 120 degrees F to 130 degrees F. This is a good temperature for:

  • Washing clothes
  • Washing dishes
  • Bathing

Wrap your water heater to prevent heat loss. Also, use fixtures that restrict the flow of water (low-flow) for showers and baths. Insulate your hot water pipes to keep them from cooling off quickly.

Another method of reducing the cost of hot water is to install a tankless water heater. This type of hot water tank gives water on demand as opposed to storing and heating water all the time. A tankless water heater costs more to install, but you will quickly recover the cost through energy savings.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat saves you the effort of having to adjust it manually. Program the thermostat according to your schedule. Lower the heat setting when you are away at work or during the night when you don’t require a higher heat setting suggests Doug Murray, a specialist who is knowledgeable in energy efficiency.

Give Your Refrigerator a Break

A lot of people like to set their refrigerators and freezers to run as cold as possible, which is not only hard on them but also consumes a lot of energy. According to Repair Aid, the ideal temperature for freezers is -15°C to -18°C, whereas for fridges it’s 3°C to 4°C. If you have your refrigerator or freezer set any lower than that, you might consider raising the temp a bit. We promise you won’t notice a difference anywhere except your electric bill.

Help Your Furnace to Work More Efficiently

Change the Bonfilt furnace filter regularly. The purpose of the filter is to prevent hair and dust from clogging up your furnace. When this happens, your furnace has to work harder to pull air through the densely packed filter. The clogged filter places extra stress on the furnace and increases the cost of your energy bill.

How often do you need to change your filter? This procedure depends on how often you clean your home, whether you have pets, and if you have done any renovating explains Dr. HVAC.

Finding methods to reduce electricity, gas and water in your home will add money to your pockets. Keep your family warm and comfortable by following these simple guidelines.

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